THANK YOU for visiting my site dedicated to inspiring people towards health. Here is a little information about myself and my vision behind this site.


I am an Aussie born in Kenya and living in the United States. I enjoy traveling the world experiencing and appreciating different cultures, food, values and lifestyles and having the privilege to see the vastness of natures beauty. I love cooking, vegetable gardening and being in the great outdoors. I am a lover of good coffee, which stems from my Aussie roots. The best coffee cafe's in the world are in Australia! I am many things. A mum. Wife. Friend. Daughter. Auntie. Foodie. Social Worker. Blogger. Strong but flawed woman. Child of God.

I don't hold religiously to  any particular diet style (e.g vegan, vegetarian, keto etc).  My eating is balanced, colorful, fresh and whole with a focus on ADDITION rather than RESTRICTION. I tend to push back against the diet industry and its restrictive nature around food consumption. Instead, I encourage people to focus on ADDING nutritious foods into their diet with the aim of nourishing and strengthening their bodies.

Formally, I am trained as a licensed social worker and have a particular passion in working with people who have experienced trauma and/or are in crisis. I love to see people grow, heal and move in the direction of health. So what is health?

Health for me has been a lifelong journey of ups and downs that have molded my concept of the word. I used to be overweight during my high school years and experienced bullying. Towards the end of school I did lose weight. The bullying stopped and people started "liking" me. Though this outcome sounds wonderful, it effected me more than the bullying itself as the one thing impacting people's acceptance of me was my how i looked. I had lost weight but didn't feel whole. 

Fast forward twenty years to the present me. Through self assessment, community, spirituality and a passion to discover who I am and what is important in life, I now have a broader and deeper understanding of what it is to be ME and what HEALTHY actually means. Health is holistic. It is not "weight loss" or "muscle building". Though these can be a byproduct of healthy lives, they do not encapsulate health in its entirety. To cultivate true health we must incorporate a range of factors including healing our relationship with our bodies and with food, nourishing and moving our bodies, emotional health and healing, personal and spiritual growth, confidence, empathy, self-worth and developing a sense of purpose for our lives that extends beyond ourselves to serving and impacting lives around us. We will never be perfect at all aspects of health. This is a long term journey, with bumps and traffic jams and detours. It is, however a journey worth taking and I encourage you to invest in your health- true deep health that creates a life of thriving. 


